Effective DEEP Imaging at the mine site

Mine site imaging is one of the most  innovative tools that mining companies can use at various stages of development and mining.

Life of mine is directly related to resources in the ground. Key to extending any mine life is finding more ore. To-date, drilling alone has been the most significant tool for near mine exploration. But the cost of drilling alone is high and time consuming.

Target the most significant features in and around the mine sooner. Provide your team with the tools to succeed. Sophisticated deep imaging is contributing to improving exploration efforts in near mine exploration. 

Having carried out over 100 minesite surveys todate, Quantec provides this specialised service, utilsing sophisticated geophysical imaging tools. This technology provides key targetting parameters to depths from surface to 2000 metres.

New discoveries are being made every year contributing to the overall success of the technology.

Sierra Metals recently announced the discovery of a new porphyry system at over 800 m depth at the Yauricocha mine. This followed drilling from deep underground workings, targeting images provided by Quantec's New ORION 3D and  TITAN 2D technology.

...complete the form to the right to find out more and see some recent spectacular discoveries.


Imaging can also contribute to pre-mine planning such as condemnation and tailings planning for reduced risk, as well as pre-mine development exploration imaging.  

Surveys can be deployed globally and rapidly. In as little as 3 to 4 weeks these surveys can provide data that can help focus drilling and reduce costs for years.  

Quantec has excellent safe operating procedures developed from years of mine site work.

Download Mine Site Imaging white paper.

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